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Planning & Zoning Department

112 MAIN AVE S, Room 107
Fayetteville, TN  37334
(931) 438-5186

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 4:00 P.M.

*Closed for state-sanctioned holidays*
Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan
PC Members
PC Minutes
Public Notices

Planning & Zoning

The purpose of the Planning & Zoning Department is to facilitate the Lincoln County Zoning and Subdivision Regulations.

This office is responsible for Current Planning, Future Planning, Zoning Compliance, and related administrative duties.  Combined, these functions help ensure a quality community and help protect property values.

Zoning focuses on how land is currently being used and how it can be used in the future.  The goal is to provide a harmonious transition of zoning districts and ensure growth and development progress in a fashion that minimizes potential conflicts between uses.  Zoning is about preserving the quality of health, safety, and welfare in our community.
Zoning Resolution Guidelines
Subdivision Regulation Guidelines

Lincoln County Building Permits

Frequently Asked Questions