The County Commission serves as the legislative branch of the County government. Lincoln County is divided into eight districts, with a total of 24 commissioners, three in each district. County Commissioners are elected in the regular August election for a four-year term beginning on September 1, after the election. Commissioners must be: (1) over eighteen; (2) citizens of the United States and Tennessee; (3) residents of the state, county, district, or circuit for the period required by state law. At least four regular meetings per year must be held. The County Commission chair is elected annually by a majority of the Commissioners. The County Mayor or a majority of legislative body members may call a special meeting with adequate public notice. The County Commission provides a proper and open forum for public policy debates and annually adopts a property tax rate and budget. Currently, regular monthly meetings are scheduled for the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. DST, 6:00 p.m. CST, in the Circuit Court Room of the Courthouse.
Lincoln County operates under the 1981 Financial Management Act, which means the financial (budgets) are consolidated in one central location – the Finance Director’s office. Audits are performed by the State of Tennessee.
The Lincoln County Medical Facilities, the Lincoln County Board of Public Utilities, Solid Waste Inter-local, and the Lincoln County Schools are independent of their day-to-day operations, being governed by the Lincoln County Legislative Body. The Body is responsible for approving its annual budgets and bond issues. All elected and appointed officials are responsible for the duties of their office.